Greetings Neighbors & Community Members.
Prescribed fire is an important part of ensuring that risk to communities is limited to the potential catastrophic consequences of not maintaining the forest. Reducing hazardous fuel buildups is important so we don’t see consequences like we are seeing out in California. But it doesn’t stop there, our wildlife flourish from prescribed fire. Read more on Prescribed Fire
The Colbert-Cameron Mitigation Bank (CCMB) is located in Volusia County just east of Lake Harney. It is the south boundary of Lake Harney Woods POA. The property was placed into a mitigation bank in 2008 and is now run by JBWR Properties LLC.
Part of being in a mitigation bank is abiding by the rules of the State (St. Johns Water Management District) & the Federal (Army Core of Engineers) compliance offices. Prescribed fire is one of the requirements for this property to remain in compliance.
Picking a day and time for a controlled burn isn’t something that we take lightly. In fact, there is a rigorous process of obtaining the permit on the day of the burn. We are certain that we won’t appease everyone’s opinions on when we should burn, but we want to let you know that we are doing this for the betterment of the ecosystem around us. Some sections of the property will require a certain wind that might not be ideal for the neighborhood in terms of smoke. It will never be our intention for large amounts of smoke to blow into Lake Harney Woods, but there is a possibility of this occurring at times. SR 46 is a smoke sensitive area that we must be extra cognizant about due to traffic hazards.
Over the course of the year, our staff along with the Florida Forestry Service, will be conducting prescribed burns. I will use this announcement page to alert community members to planned burns and provide additional information on Facebook and other social media sources.
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Thank you,
Riley Ferguson | Director of Business & Property Management
Colbert-Cameron Mitigation Bank | JBWR Properties LLC
riley@huntersenvy.com | (317) 654-9645 cell